About Sanivar Vrat

This Vrat is also favorable for people who
have Sadesati, Dahiya, Mahadasha or Antardasha of Shani. Observing the
fast of Saturday gives relief from joint pains, back pain, muscle
disorders. It also reduces mental tensions and make a person optimistic.
person can start this fast on first Saturday of Shukla Paksha of any
month. Ones the fast is started, it is observed regularly for 11 or 51
times. Then, Udyapan of this fast is done, and it is started once
Saturday(Sanivar)Shanidev Vrat Katha

Once the seven gods, the lords of the seven days of the week, were having exchange of wit for their amusement. Rahu and Ketu also joined the company. Rahu and Ketu posed a question—who is the most powerful god among us all? They could not decide this issue by themselves. They went to Lord Indra for his adjudication. Lord Indra equally found himself in a fix. He thought if he gave judgment in favor of one, others would be displeased with him. He said, “Respected gods, I am just one among equals. How can I decide this complicated issue? I cannot give an impartial judgment. Better go to planet earth. Vir Vikramaditya rules over there. He is very logical, judicious and righteous. Accordingly, they went to King Vikramaditya.
King Vikramaditya gave due respect to them and begged for any service. They told him about their mission. Though it was a difficult task, Vikramaditya being a dutiful king accepted it gracefully. Vikramaditya decided that he would not pronounce his verdict directly. He therefore arranged seven beautiful thrones. These thrones were made of gold, silver, bronze, brass, tin, zinc, mica and iron respectively. The gold throne was placed at number one and the iron one at the end. Vikramaditya requested the seven gods to grace the throne of their own choice. Sun was in the gold chair while Saturn occupied the iron chair.
When the seven gods were in the chairs of their own choice, king Vikramaditya said, “You may please decide your own rank now according to the order to your throne. I have not thrust my judgment upon you. Saturn could see now through the clever judgment of Vikramaditya. He stood up and said, “King Vikramaditya, you have ranked me the lowest among the seven gods. You do not realize my power. Sun can stay on a zodiac or ‘Rashi’ for one month and moon for two and a quarter part of a day, Mars for one and a half months and Jupiter for thirteen months. Mercury and Venus can rein a zodiac for one month only. The Rahu and Ketu move in opposite directions and pass through a zodiac in eighteen months only. It is only I who can rein a zodiac from two and a half years to seven and a half years. Even powerful gods tremble at my sight. When I was angry with Rama, he got exile instead of a throne. Ravana’s family was destroyed by me when I ruled over his zodiac. Now be prepared. It is your turn.”

The king ultimately reached a nearby city and met a respectable businessman. The businessman felt pity on him and arranged food for him. He earned high profits by the grace of Saturn and took the ‘king’ as a lucky visitor and kept him as a head cashier. Next day the businessman took him to his house. The ‘king’ saw a precious necklace hanging by a peg. For his great surprise he also saw the peg swallowing the necklace. He could not explain it to the businessman. The businessman took him for a thief and presented him before the court. The court ordered that the king’s hands and feet be cut with one stroke of a sword. An executor carried out these orders.
The ‘king’ was now without hands and feet. A ‘Teli’ (oil seed crusher) felt pity on him and brought him to his house. He dressed the ‘king’s’ wounds and made him capable of driving the bullocks around the grinding machine with loud voice. Time passed on. The inauspicious period of seven and a half years was about to be over. The ‘king’ thought of singing the Malhar Raga on a rainy day. His powerful voice broke the silence of the night. The princess was thrilled to hear the song in her bedroom. She got fascinated towards the singer.
The princess sent her personal attendant to know about the singer. The attendant was told that the singer was the helper to the Teli and without hands and feet. Even then she decided that she would marry that man or would remain unmarried throughout her life. She conveyed her decision to her parents. The parents resented the decision. To register her protest, she put on ordinary clothes and moved to a special chamber or Kopa Bhawan and lay down on an ordinary carpet. The king and the queen ultimately bowed before the princess’s decision and said, “If such is your fate, we are reconciled to it.
The king sent for the Tell and said, “Arrange for the marriage of this handicapped help of yours with the princess.” The Teli did not believe his ears and took it as a joke. The king resented his behavior and said, “Do not take it as a joke. This is our final decision.” On an auspicious day, the princess’s marriage with that handicapped person was solemnized. That was the last inauspicious day of the king.

The businessman got this news and felt guilty over his behavior towards. Vikramaditya. He invited him for dinner. King Vikramaditya said, “I shall dine in the same room where the peg swallowed your precious necklace.” The businessman agreed and arranged the dinner in that room. When the invitees were dining, they saw to their great surprise that the precious necklace was slowly emerging from the same peg. The businessman was so much overwhelmed at this sight that he, too, decided to marry off his daughter to Vikramaditya.
When the dinner was over the businessman folded both his hands and offered many Moharas (coins) and requested him to marry his daughter, Shrikanbari. After that the businessman got his daughter married to King Vikramaditya and presented him plenty of dowry and wealth.
This way for some days he stayed there in the city and after that Vikramaditya told the King of that city that he wished to return to Ujjain. Then after a few days taking leave along with the Princess Manbhavani and the businessman’s daughter Shrikanbari and along with the dowry from the households with, servants, maids, chariots, palanquins. Vikramaditya returned towards Ujjain.
King Vikramaditya returned to his kingdom. The subjects received him and his two queens with full warmth. The king happily entered his palace. The whole city was decorated like an important festival and in the night lamps were burning everywhere. The king asked his courtiers to make a proclamation by the beat of drum that Saturn is not less powerful than any other god. He had judged him as the smallest that is why he got all these troubles and sorrow. Then onwards the whole city fasted every Saturday and did the Puja and heard the story and all the citizens started living happily. The person who reads this story or hears this story on Saturday, with the Blessings of Saturn all his sorrows will vanish. The story of Saturn must be read on the Saturday fast and that they should keep fast on Saturday as a mark of honor of Saturn.
Saturday(Sanivar)Shanidev Aarti
Jai Jai Shri Shani Dev Bhaktan Hitkari |
Suraj Ke Putr Prabhu Chaya Mahtari || Jai ||
Shyaam Ank Vakra Drasht Chaturbhuja Dhaari|
Nilaambar Dhaar Naath Gaj Ki Asavaari || Jai||
Kirit Mukut Shish Rajit Dipat Hai Lilaari |
Muktan Ki Maal Gale Shobhit Balihaari || Jai||
Modak Mishtaan Paan Chadhat Hai Supaari |
Lohaa Til Tel Udad Mahishi Ati Pyaari ||
Dev Danuj Rishi Muni Surat Nar Naari |
Vishvanaath Dharat Dhyaan Sharan Hai Tumhaari || Jai||
Suraj Ke Putr Prabhu Chaya Mahtari || Jai ||
Shyaam Ank Vakra Drasht Chaturbhuja Dhaari|
Nilaambar Dhaar Naath Gaj Ki Asavaari || Jai||
Kirit Mukut Shish Rajit Dipat Hai Lilaari |
Muktan Ki Maal Gale Shobhit Balihaari || Jai||
Modak Mishtaan Paan Chadhat Hai Supaari |
Lohaa Til Tel Udad Mahishi Ati Pyaari ||
Dev Danuj Rishi Muni Surat Nar Naari |
Vishvanaath Dharat Dhyaan Sharan Hai Tumhaari || Jai||
Om Shannodevirbheshatya Aapo Bhavantu Pitaye |
Shanyobhiraktrvantu Nah |
Om Sha Shanascharaya Namah ||
Om Trayambkam Yajahmahe Sugandim Pushtivrdanam
Urvarukmiv Bandhanan Mrityormuksheya Mamritat |