Yoga literally means "Union".It is a union of breath and the body, the mind and muscles and most importantly union of the self to the devine.World Yoga Day known as International Yoga Day.World Yoga Day is generally Celebrated every year 21st June.
About World Yoga Day
Celebrating yoga day all over the world as World Yoga Day or International Day of Yoga on 21st of June every year was declared by the United Nations General Assembly on 11th of December in 2014. The declaration was done after the call by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to the United Nations General Assembly on 27th of September in 2014 during his address to the UN General Assembly. He call the United Nations General Assembly for adopting 21st of June as an International Yoga Day to get all the benefits of yoga for the people all around the world.
Last Year The Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi said that today is not just the first-ever International Yoga Day, but the beginning of a new era that would inspire humanity in its quest for peace and harmony. The Prime Minister recalled the contribution of ancient sages, yoga gurus, and practitioners across the world through the ages, for making Yoga what it is, today. He said that as mankind advances in various spheres of development and technology, individual human beings must progress too, and Yoga offered an avenue for this. He said Yoga was not merely an exercise, but offered an opportunity for balancing the mind and body, and could help harness an individual's inner strength.
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