Khodiyar Jayanti is large celebration in Khodaldham Kagvad.Khodaldham Kagvad a big temple is recently open for Public.In this temple this festival is grand celebration.Many people take blessing on this day. Maa Khodiyar is very famous for her Kindness. Devotees believe that she is appeared anywhere to help them. There are so many sthaanak (mandir) of Khodiyar. Khodiyar went into a trance (Samadhi) at sanganva villege of lodhika Taluka, district Rajkot.
History and Legends of Goddess Khodiyar
History says that , it is believe that Mamaniya Gadhav, whowas a scholar and friend of the king, was dishonored by the queen and soldiers as he did not have any children.Mamaniya worshiped to Lord Shiva for a child.One day Lord Shiva appeared before him and took him to the world of Nagas.The Nagas accepted to help him.They asked him to prepared eight crsdled. Mamaniya did as he was told.Soon a snake appeared on each of the cradles.
They took the shape of seven girl child and one male child.Goddess Khodiya Mata is one of the children.She is believed to have performed numberous wonders to help her devotees.She is also the guardian goddess of some Hindu communities in the western part of India and especially in Gujarat.
They took the shape of seven girl child and one male child.Goddess Khodiya Mata is one of the children.She is believed to have performed numberous wonders to help her devotees.She is also the guardian goddess of some Hindu communities in the western part of India and especially in Gujarat.
Popular Khodiyar Temple in India
Khodiyar Ma temple in Matel Near Bhavnagar Gujarat
Khodiyar Ma Samadhi Sthal in Rohishala Gujarat
Galdhara Khodiyar Temple, Aiyavej
Khodiyar Jayanti Pictures