Varuthini Ekadashi falls in the month of Vaisakh (April-May). It is also known as 'Vaishakh Krishna Ekadashi.Varuthini Ekadashi also known as Baruthani Ekadashi.Here is Date of Varuthini Ekadashi 2016 to 2021.
Varuthini Ekadashi :3 May 2016 (Tuesday)
Varuthini Ekadashi : 22 April 2017 (saturday)
Varuthini Ekadashi : 12 April 2018 (Thursday)
Varuthini Ekadashi : 30 April 2019 (Tuesday)
Varuthini Ekadashi : 18 April 2020 (saturday)
Varuthini Ekadashi :7 May2021 (Friday)
About Varuthini Ekadashi

Great kings like Mandhaata, Dhundhumaar and others have achieved salvation in Swarag by observing many such Ekadashi vratts. Once Mahadevji beheaded the fifth head of Brahmaji and was cursed for this. But he was freed from the sins and curse due to this vratt of Varuthini Ekadashi. Performing continuous penance for a thousand years equates and provides the same fruits as keeping the vratt of Varuthini Ekadashi.
Giving the daughter away as a daan on her wedding (kanyadaan) is termed as the most absolute daan a person can give to anyone in this world. However the vratt of this Ekadashi gives a person similar fruits to a hundred kanyadaan. On the day before this Ekadashi devotees must eat once a day and observe a full fast on the actual Ekadashi day.
Varuthini Ekadashi Fast Importance

Person observing this fast, gain virtues more than that received by
donation of land and elephant. Out of all the donations, Til donation is
considered best. Donating Gold is considered more auspicious in
comparison to Til. And, the fruits of observing this fast are known to
be more auspicious then the donation of gold.
Varuthini Ekadashi Fast Story
Once, there ruled a king named Mandhata on the bank of Narmada. He was a
big devotee and a very generous person. One day, while he was
meditating, a wild bear make and started chewing his leg. After some
time, the bear dragged the king into the woods. Then the king did not
break the rule of meditation and starting praying Lord Vishnu instead of
getting angry. Lord Vishnu appeared at that place.
Lord killed the bear with hid Chakra. King was very upset since, the bear ate his leg. Lord asked his to go to Mathura and worship his Vraha incarnation on Varuthini Ekadashi. Lord told him, that by the result of this fast, he would get back his organ. So, the king observed this fast with full devotion and got back his organ.
Things to remember on the day of Varuthini Ekadashi fast
Person observing the fast of Varuthini Ekadashi should leave the following 10 things on Dashmi
He should not eat food in utensils made of bronze
Meat should not be taken in meal.
Masur dal is not to be eaten.
He should not eat gram
Karonda is not to be eaten
Avoid having leafy vegetables
Honey should not be eaten
Food borrowed from others should not be taken.
Meal should be taken only once, at night
He must act with control in the married life.
He should not eat food in utensils made of bronze
Meat should not be taken in meal.
Masur dal is not to be eaten.
He should not eat gram
Karonda is not to be eaten
Avoid having leafy vegetables
Honey should not be eaten
Food borrowed from others should not be taken.
Meal should be taken only once, at night
He must act with control in the married life.
How to observe? Varuthini Ekadashi

On the Varuthini Ekadasi day, people spend the day in reading the Bhagavada Purana and minimum contact with people – this is to abstain from talking. Rice is avoided. Usually people do not sleep during day time. Some people also stay awake during night. Betel nuts and leaf are avoided.
On the Dwadasi day, the day after Varuthini Ekadasi, the same routine as observed on Dashami is followed. Men usually avoid shaving. Taking an oil bath is also avoided.