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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Chapchar Kut Festival-Chapchar Kut Festival Date-About Chapchar Kut Festival- Chapchar Kut Festival Pictures

Chapchar Kut Festival Date

Chapchar Kut Festival is coming on march Month every Year.The Chapchar Kut is one of the oldest festivals of Mizoram and has a great cultural significance. It is an annual harvest festival celebrated in the month of March.

About Chapchar Kut Festival



Chapchar Kut is celebrated in the month of March. It marks the beginning of spring when the nature starts playing with colours. This heralds the festive mood in the lives of Mizos and they prepare themselves to celebrate Chapchar Kut, the festival of happiness. 

Mizos celebrate this festival by dressing in their traditional attire and dancers danced to the tune of typical music and songs. Popular Mizo dances including Cheraw, Chheihlam, Sarlamkai and Khuallam are performed by various cultural groups. Chapchar Kut Festival is estimated to have started in 1450-1700 A.D. in a village called Suaipui.

The festivities involve folk music performances which have a major appeal in the Chapchar Kut Festival. Liquor indulgence once used to be the key mode of merriment but with passage of time it has been done away with and now the focus is only on music and dance. 

People wear colourful traditional clothes and hats made from beads and parrots' feathers. In this festival they don't wear any shoes. A traditional bamboo dance is also performed where only women participate while the men sit on the ground and beat the bamboos against each other. The Bamboo dance is one of the major attractions of Chapchar Kut where only women folk take part in it.

The festival is an amazing sight with people dressed in outfits vibrant in color and hats made from beads and feathers. Chapchar Kut is, indeed, a vibrant spring festival of Mizoram.

Chapchar Kut Festival Pictures



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